30 days after collected sample being migrated to a observation tank.
Top layer from the decayed life forms was removed to a different salt water tank with natural sunlight and limited oxigen. No sign of new life form after 20 days.
Seawater, seaweed, life rocks, sand, living shell and snail collected from Portmouth beach. The shell and snail died after 7 days due to lack of foods and dehydration, but dead bodies were left in the tank for decaying. The decayed dead shell and snail supplied nutrients for new air born bacteria and diatom.
Existence of diatom colonial after 14 days. Declining water level due to evaporation left some dead diatom colonials on the wall.
Unknown sesame-like-creatures found on the life stone.
Most of the seaweed did not survive but some do. The tank condition is now very bad for new life form but perfect for some micro-organism such as algae or diatom.